6/3/2013 07:09:09 pm
I have downloaded these files because they looked really good, thank you for being willing to share them but I was disappointed when all that all that showed on the files was a single "delete mark". I have a mac, do you have any suggestions?
Alice Willoughby
12/1/2014 08:07:31 am
these are wonderful, thanks so much for sharing them
ellie daniels
10/2/2014 03:47:20 am
Hi. Is there a stamp for C10 - set line justified to specified measure?
Louise Harnby
10/2/2014 04:07:20 am
Sorry, no, Ellie. Only what's there. I use this so infrequently that I didn't put in the time to create it when I started using these. Make your own one using the snip tool, perhaps. It should be quite easy to draw on the margins of a pdf.
Carol Lamble
18/6/2014 05:20:32 am
The proofreading stamps are excellent. Thanks so much.
19/11/2014 07:12:18 am
Louise these look great and are fabulous for saving paper! I am currently trying to learn from scratch how to proofread using the BSI symbols. Is there any chance you could do a small description of what each of your symbols mean?
Louise Harnby
19/11/2014 07:24:45 am
I'd recommend you get hold of a copy of BSI Marks for Copy Preparation and Proof Correction BS 52461C: 2005 in the first instance, Soffia. The SfEP sells these. This will tell you what each mark is and where it should be placed. Alternatively, take a training course that teaches you how to use them appropriately.
17/3/2015 06:43:37 am
Just experimented with these for the first time - so brilliant, thank you!
Nick Hamar
30/4/2015 10:56:17 am
Downloading PDF-XChange Editor stamps - That was easy!
7/5/2015 07:57:14 am
I must be stupid . You show me the symbols but not how to use them. Der.
Louise Harnby
7/5/2015 11:15:31 am
Hi Teresa.
6/2/2016 11:57:31 am
Just wanted to say a huge thank you for making these stamps available for one and all. I first read about them when I started out about 4 years ago, but never had any reason to use them until this week. They are brilliant, my production editor loves them too, and you are a wonderful human being!
26/3/2016 01:50:34 pm
Are the proofreading pdf stamps no longer available? None of the links take me to anywhere they can be downloaded.
27/3/2016 06:37:03 am
Ok Got it. Silly me. The moral of this is 'look below the fold!" When I clicked on the quick access links, then the first bullet, I came to a page that above the fold again said "quick access links" and it looked like I was just going round in circles. Look below the fold and yes, you find the pdf's. Thanks.
Louise Harnby
26/3/2016 02:07:01 pm
All the links seem to be working on my PC, Stephen. The files for download are here.
Hazel Blumberg-McKee
12/7/2016 04:36:26 pm
Wow! A fellow proofreader referred me to your page. I am awed. Thank you so much for making proofreading online so much easier!
David Lloyd-Johnson
27/10/2016 11:29:59 am
Louise Harnby
27/10/2016 01:12:15 pm
Hi David.
David Lloyd-Johnson
1/11/2016 10:19:45 am
Thanks Louise.
David Lloyd-Johnson
2/11/2016 04:29:04 pm
Hi Louise
Louise Harnby
22/2/2017 02:49:54 pm
I use the line tool in the onboard editing tools of Acrobat or XChange to draw the transpose mark in the text. Sorry for the delay in replying. Some of my comments have ended up in a 'Pending' box for some reason!
Jessica Spencer
25/1/2017 12:06:49 pm
Thank you for making these available. The stamps will make life working on PDFs much easier!
Rod Crews
1/2/2017 11:49:52 am
Louise, I'm having the same problem as Stephen had. In my case, the Free proofreading stamps button doesn't work. Clicking it simply brings up the same page again. Happens on all my laptops.
Louise Harnby
1/2/2017 11:59:22 am
This page that you've commented on has the link to the stamps. Can you not see it at the top? There's a picture of a few of them. However, to avoid confusion, I've now redirected the button to the actual post with all the files on. I'd not done that before because some people weren't reading the information about the installation instructions! Anyway, I hope it's clearer now!
Louise Harnby
1/2/2017 12:01:23 pm
You do have to scroll down the page a little! It's not possible to include all this information above the fold.
Louise Harnby
1/2/2017 11:52:08 am
I'll take a look right now, Rod.
Carolyn Bell
7/9/2017 07:15:33 pm
Thank you so much for these Louise. It took a while to install every one of the stamps but was worth every minute!
17/10/2018 03:31:28 pm
Hi Louise,
Louise Harnby
17/10/2018 04:00:14 pm
I draw with the polygon, Ellen. A stamp is problematic because one stamp might work for one or two lines but if you're marking up for 5, 6, or 10, it will be too small.
15/2/2019 10:24:46 pm
Hi Louise,
Louise Harnby
16/2/2019 09:58:23 pm
Hi, Tara!
Alastair Naughton
4/1/2020 01:15:15 am
Hi Louise, your stamps look great! However, I am having great difficulty putting this all together on Office 365. The path on the C drive is not the same. That's the first problem. I managed to download pdf exchange from tracker software, although I already had a paid version of Acrobat on my desktop. When I try and create a new stamp palette, when I choose a path on C drive I am prompted to "open" it instead of "save" it. And so the problems go on. What can I do about this?!!! MTIA, Alastair
Louise Harnby
4/1/2020 08:10:04 pm
Hi, Alastair.
Michael Message
8/4/2020 01:41:38 pm
Good Morning,
Louise Harnby
8/4/2020 01:53:16 pm
Hi, Michael. So sorry but I don't use it so I couldn't tell you. Have you searched online for something like 'How to import custom stamps into Foxit' or 'How to create custom stamp in Foxit'? There's lots of help on YouTube. Foxit also has a customer support tool - maybe they could advise.
1/5/2020 03:32:11 pm
Hi Louise, thank you so much for creating these stamps and making them available for everyone. I'm working through some proofreading training and these have been brilliant for me. I'm currently using your red stamps to mark up a PDF which is designed on a coloured background. When I add in some of the symbols (for example the 'insert space' stamp on pg 16 of your PDF download), it has a white box around the top of the stamp. Sorry if this is a silly question. Is there a way of removing the white box or that just how the stamps are designed? The reason I want to remove them is so they don't block out any text on the line above where I'm adding the mark (if that makes sense). I'm working on a mac and using Acrobat Pro DC, just in case that is relevant. If this is something you can help with, I would be very grateful. Thanks again for making these available.
Louise Harnby
1/5/2020 03:49:55 pm
Hi, Raphael.
1/5/2020 04:02:04 pm
I totally understand Louise :) I just wanted to check it wasn't happening because I did something wrong – that makes sense now. Thanks for coming back to me so quickly. Best wishes Raphael
4/6/2020 06:26:42 pm
I've been using your stamps for a few years now and they are brilliant, especially now, during these Covid times where proofreading on a pdf is essential.Thank you so much for creating them. Could you tell me one thing, though: how do you make half circles to close up letters within the text? If I use your stamp it blocks out part of the letters because of the way you had to set it up (see your reply to Raphael!). Is there an easy way to create half-circles? I'm using the free Pdf X-Change Editor. Thanks again.
Louise Harnby
5/6/2020 12:50:58 pm
I haven't found a solution to this, Liz. Sorry! You could try resizing the stamp so it only fits in the space and doesn't overlap the letters. Or does your PDF editor have a hand-drawing tool?
5/6/2020 12:57:10 pm
Ah well, thanks anyway. I'll try shrinking it massively. Yes, I've got the hand-drawing tool but I'm just not that good at steering a mouse in a small semicircle! It's a shame that although they've got a polygon tool, and a cloud tool, they haven't thought to combine the two. I may put it to the tracker bods...
3/2/2025 05:15:31 am
Louise, the 'Roundup: PDF Proofreading Stamps (quick-access links)' is not working for me. The same page shows up again. Please help. Thanks.
3/2/2025 03:37:55 pm
Resolved, and sorry to bother. Wonderful marks, thank you, Louise!
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TESTIMONIALSDare Rogers'Louise uses her expertise to hone a story until it's razor sharp, while still allowing the author’s voice to remain dominant.'Jeff Carson'I wholeheartedly recommend her services ... Just don’t hire her when I need her.'J B Turner'Sincere thanks for a beautiful and elegant piece of work. First class.'Ayshe Gemedzhy'What makes her stand out and shine is her ability to immerse herself in your story.'Salt Publishing'A million thanks – your mark-up is perfect, as always.'CATEGORIES
January 2025