I’ve recently posted links to a couple of overviews of PerfectIt, Version 3 of which was recently launched to the delight of regular users like myself. I believe that user reviews can play an important part in helping others make the decision on whether a particular tool or piece of software is a wise investment. However, the developer’s voice is invaluable too because no one knows the tool/software better. With that in mind, I asked Daniel Heuman, Managing Director of Intelligent Editing and developer of PerfectIt, if he’d like to join me and the Parlour’s readers in a discussion about his proofreading software, and he graciously accepted. The following relate to some comments I’ve made in the past, here on the blog, and more general issues about the software. Feel free to join in the discussion in the Comments below if you have something to add. Daniel Heuman: Hi Louise. In the interest of generating discussion, I’ve got some questions for you about PerfectIt 3. You described one review of PerfectIt 3 as “robust”. I’m not sure I’d agree with you; below I’ve provided some questions and examples to help illustrate the issues. But for now, I’m interested to know why you used this term, particularly since I think it may be holding you (and others) from reviewing Version 3 themselves. Louise Harnby: You make a fair point, Daniel, though I used the word “robust” in quite a general sense to mean “uncompromising” rather than in the more academic sense that some might be used to. You’re correct that I haven’t yet done a public detailed review of PerfectIt 3 myself (though I’m using the software on a regular basis), and if it seems like my links to other people’s reviews are a case of time-strapped piggy-backing on other people’s hard work, you’re not far wrong! But this isn't the only reason: as a proofreader who specializes in working for publishers on hard copy and PDF, I’m rarely in a position to take advantage of PerfectIt’s full functionality – it simply isn’t apporpriate for the kind of intervention my clients require. Having said that, I don’t think others should hold back on doing their own detailed exploration of the software, particularly given that you offer a try-before-you-buy option. [Readers, you can access the trial version here.] DH: One review was entitled “Quality Software for the Experienced Editor”. Do you think someone needs to be an “experienced editor” to use PerfectIt? What about editors who have completed training but are just starting out? What about non-editors with a good grasp of language? LH: I don’t think someone needs to be an experienced editor (or proofreader or writer) to avail themselves of the benefits of PerfectIt. I do, however, suspect that to maximize the full functionality of the software, one would need to be reasonably comfortable with using Word and its plugins. It’s not that newbies can’t use PerfectIt – they can, and I think they should. Rather, I’ve come across many people in the international editorial community who are still nervous about using complementary tools to improve their efficiency and output quality. I’m not just talking about PerfectIt, but a whole range of tools – from Word’s find/replace function, to both simple recorded macros and more complex scripted ones. Having experience of using such tools gives one the confidence to experiment with their various features, and this in turn can have a really positive impact on one’s editorial business practice. My feeling is that the review title in question was acknowledging that those editors, proofreaders and writers who do have this confidence will be able to maximize PerfecIt’s functionality, and given that the review was written by a very experienced editor, it’s understandable that the article was positioned in such a way. DH: The reviews you’ve featured haven’t addressed in detail PerfectIt’s full functionality; rather, they’ve just looked at the new features in Version 3. Again, here I’d question the appropriateness of your using the term “robust”. Does not “robustness” require a fuller discussion? LH: I think a robust, as in uncompromising, review could include details of only the new features. I think that a software review that addresses the challenges and benefits experienced by the user who writes the review can still be robust in its analysis. Those of us in the blogosphere are always aware that our readers are time-limited, so when we’re sharing information about new (or revised) editorial tools, we want to focus on the most exciting elements of the product as we see them, and then help readers navigate to other resources (including the websites of the relevant developers) that will provide more detailed information. DH: I’d like to address some of the issues that one of the reviews highlighted, just to reassure any potential new users who might have decided that PerfectIt 3 was too complex for them to use.
But I’d like to know about other people’s experiences, too, whether they are newbie users or old hands. What do they like best, what are they struggling with, what are they confused by, what works well, what benefits to their work flows have they noticed? LH: So, readers, if you’ve recently had the chance to experiment with PerfectIt 3, and you’d like to share your experiences with others in the international editorial community, drop us a line in the Comments. As Daniel said, you needn’t be an experienced user (or editorial freelancer for that matter). All input is welcome. It’s worth mentioning that there’s a LinkedIn discussion group, "PerfectIt Users", dedicated to getting the best out of PerfectIt – if you have questions about how to take advantage of the various functions but need a little friendly guidance, there are plenty of experienced users online who’ll be happy to chat with you and share their expertise! To start the discussion, my personal favourite features (some of which are new to Version 3, and some of which have been available since PerfectIt was initially launched) are as follows:
Louise Harnby is a line editor, copyeditor and proofreader who specializes in working with crime, mystery, suspense and thriller writers. She is an Advanced Professional Member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP), a member of ACES, a Partner Member of The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi), and co-hosts The Editing Podcast. Visit her business website at Louise Harnby | Fiction Editor & Proofreader, say hello on Twitter at @LouiseHarnby, connect via Facebook and LinkedIn, and check out her books and courses.
2/7/2015 11:04:51 am
I'm not sure how helpful the interview will be to new users of PerfectIt or to those who are thinking of trying it, so let me add my 2 cents. (Disclaimer: I have no interest in PerfectIt other than being a user of it in my editing business. However, I do sell EditTools and have an arrangement with Daniel so that our individual software programs can be bought together at a substantial discount.)
The Undercover Editor
7/7/2015 05:58:30 am
I totally agree with Richard here. PerfectIt is great, and version 3 is a marked improvement on version 2. It is no replacement for proofreader or copyeditor, but rather it allows you to work a lot more efficiently.
23/7/2015 02:26:04 pm
I certainly will be at the SfEP/SI conference this year. I'm giving a talk in the pre-conference sessions, so hopefully you can get there a little early. I look forward to seeing you then! +1 for everything Richard said! I've used PerfectIt since Version 1 and have found it an invaluable tool for both in-house editing and freelance work. Each version has been even better than the last and the reviewer's comments puzzle me. Potential users can try the program free of charge for a month and delete it if they don't like it. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain by giving it a go. Thank you, Daniel, for creating and fine-tuning such a great product.
I rely on PerfectIt for all writing, editing, and proofreading I do in Word. I've never needed the Help files. The only trouble I've ever had isn't actually a problem: the Next and Fix buttons are placed counterintuitively for me, so I boggle my clicking now and then. But it serves as my backup eyes and saves me time and labor, and I recommend it to others. Customer service is great, too!
10/7/2015 01:15:49 pm
PerfectIt 3 is wide and deep. It's a great tool for beginners and experienced editors alike. There's always something new to learn.
Based on this review I just downloaded PerfectIt3, read the guide, and ran several chapters of writing through it. It didn't catch the problems that plague me the most. (missing punctuation, missing quotation mark). Yes, I know that nothing replaces a human editor completely, but I'm scratching my head when others say this program has depth. I'm assuming it's user error on my part because I'm not a professional editor and have no idea how to make Wildcards work.. So I sincerely wish there were more in depth instructions on how to fine tune this program and make it really work for me. Other comments have said that it's easy to jump in and use it...and it was...I just didn't think the results were very helpful. So I assume there are tricks to learn...but who is teaching them and where? I'll check out the FB page, but at this point, I'm glad I only have a trial version.
22/2/2017 06:29:53 pm
It sounds like the problems that you're most concerned with aren't ones that PerfectIt will help with. So I'm not sure extra guidance will be useful. However, if you are interested in wildcards, I recommend this book by Jack Lyon: https://www.amazon.com/Wildcard-Cookbook-Microsoft-Word-Jack/dp/1434103986/
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