I recently posted an article on the blog about how I believe that loving reading isn’t in itself enough if you want to run a proofreading business (Proofreaders-to-be: Loving Books Isn’t Enough).
One commenter suggested that my approach was “over-complicated” and could be seen as “throwing the kitchen sink” at someone “who just wants to know how to fix a leak”. I thought long and hard about what he said, and I think he’s right. I do tend to throw the kitchen sink. But, actually, I’m okay with that. Though it's not everyone's way, it's the way I approach my business. I take it very seriously and, like every one of my colleagues and friends (in the editorial community and beyond), I’ve worked very hard to make a success of my enterprise. By “success” I mean that it delivers what I need it to deliver in terms of career fulfilment, personal satisfaction, and a decent living wage. I like surprises as much as the next person – an unexpected bouquet of flowers from a client, an unplanned visit from a dear friend, an unknown gift under the Christmas tree, an email from my partner that pops up in my inbox during the working day for no other reason than “I wanted to tell you how much I love you”. Yup, I like surprises very much indeed. But I don’t like the surprise of finding there’s not enough money in my bank account to pay the mortgage because I’ve not had enough work. I don’t like that element of the unknown that comes from wondering when the next client is going to contact me. I don’t like the idea of taking the plunge into a new area of my life and not having a strategy for how I’m going to make it work. That’s why I’m a planner. I don’t do dabbling or toe-dipping very well. I know some people who are far more relaxed than me and take a more easy-going approach to aspects of their lives in general and their businesses in particular. And that is fine. Vive la différence. Some years ago, a friend and I decided to take a trip around Italy. His attitude was: “Let’s just get there and see what happens. It’ll be part of the adventure!” I was horrified. “No way! We need pre-booked tickets and accommodation. We need to read the guide books so that we know where we’re going and how we’re going to get there. We need emergency credit cards and emergency #2 credit cards in case the emergency credit cards get stolen!” Road trips are fine for me – as long as I have a map, and a phone, something to write with, something to write on, internet access ... and emergency credit cards, of course. Lots of them! Others are happy to start their journeys and see where the roads take them. I respect them for that because that’s their way and it matches their personalities. I, however, am not a risk-taker. I’m a bit more of a straight-down-the-line person. That’s my personality and it’s therefore no surprise that this concords with the way I built my business and the approach I take when I give business advice. When I started to think about proofreading as a career, I approached it my way: For example, I found out what publishers want in terms of training, and I did that exact course. It took seven months. I found out what professional membership they respected, and I joined that organization. I found out what directories they found their proofreaders from, and I did everything I needed to do to qualify for entry. Bang bang bang, straight down the line. I researched and planned and researched and planned. I had a business plan and a marketing strategy on the go before I’d even finished my training. I’ve tweaked them both again and again as I’ve acquired new skills, explored new client groups, and learned about new resources and tools, but I was planning from the word “go”. I threw the kitchen sink at myself! Can you do it any other way? Of course you can. You can do it however you want. Sitting in a bar one night some years ago, my friend Bernie came out with some words that I’ve treasured from the minute she spoke them: “There are many ways to live a life.” She’s right – there are, and there are many ways to build an editorial business, too. But if you want advice about the other ways, ask someone else. Because if you’re a new starter and I’m the person you choose to call or email, I’m going to throw my kitchen sink at you! I’ll do it gently, I promise. I’m a nice person and an optimistic person. But I’m also an organized realist and this is my way. I can’t help it – it's like that proverb about the scorpion that stings the fox during their river crossing: it’s in my nature. So what I have learned? If there’s one very important and valuable thing that I gained from this exchange of blog comments it was this: I need to make sure that I make it clear to my readers that I don’t think my way is the only way. It’s not. Self-righteous blogging is no use to anyone and was never my intention. I welcome comments, and discussion and disagreement ... as long as they are orderly, written in nice straight lines, and come with an index ;) Oh, and one more thing – if you're one of the proofreaders-to-be whom I've thrown my kitchen sink at, I've loved talking with you and I hope I didn't dissuade you. My intention was to inspire you and to help you think about substantive ways in which you can get your business off to a good start. I want all the best for you. I want you to love your new editorial career as much I love mine, and to enjoy "success" in the way you define it. But there are indeed many ways to go about it. That's the great thing about working for yourself – you get to choose.
Louise Harnby is a line editor, copyeditor and proofreader who specializes in working with crime, mystery, suspense and thriller writers.
She is an Advanced Professional Member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP), a member of ACES, a Partner Member of The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi), and co-hosts The Editing Podcast. Visit her business website at Louise Harnby | Fiction Editor & Proofreader, say hello on Twitter at @LouiseHarnby, connect via Facebook and LinkedIn, and check out her books and courses.
Janet MacMillan
27/8/2013 09:04:00 am
Well said, Louise. As always.
Natalie Murray
27/8/2013 09:39:46 am
You haven't dissuaded me. I'd rather go into it with my eyes wide open!
Louise Harnby
27/8/2013 09:54:09 am
Thanks, Janet and Natalie!
Natalie Murray
27/8/2013 09:56:52 am
Just wanted to add that I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment of the text. Everyone is different and needs to approach any new venture in their own way.
27/8/2013 10:27:04 am
Well said - but your original post was also well said. I took a slightly different approach to my editing career, in that I focused on the bottom line and only went full-time when I knew I was capable of replacing my day job's wages - but I still planned and planned and planned and you really can't go into editing or any other career just because you like one aspect of it (that isn't really part of it - when did you ever feel you'd "read" the book you've edited?) and fancy doing it.
Louise Harnby
27/8/2013 10:49:47 am
That's what it's all about, isn't it, Liz? The sharing of ideas. Thanks for sharing yours and showing us how you took a slightly different but just as valuable approach that was underpinned by the same philosophy.
27/8/2013 02:14:08 pm
I think this is a very useful article, too, and very thought-provoking.
Louise Harnby
27/8/2013 02:35:44 pm
That's exactly it, Laura. These articles were aimed at people with absolutely no experience and who are wondering how on earth to get started. They're not aimed at those who are already making sound business decisions about their skills, training etc. (like you!). We're all constantly learning, developing our businesses as we go. It certainly wasn't my intention to get the attention of the likes of you with these posts. Just so we're clear - I'm talking about the person who emails saying, "I'm thinking about doing this as a career and I don't have a clue where to start. What do you advise?" That's not you at all - you're way, way down the line! These articles were attempting to help people think about what issues are involved - and I would imagine that you might well give similar advice to me if someone asked you what you would recommend they do when considering a career. Phew, I'm glad I posted this second article because I'd hate to think you, with all your current knowledge, ongoing training and good business sense, thought I was talking to you!!! Not for a minute!
27/8/2013 03:19:45 pm
Thank you so much for your reply, Louise. I hope you didn't think I was being defensive in my comment - I do have a tendency to question what I am doing, as I am new to owning a business, if not to the work I do! What I meant to say is that I thought the articles were great (both of them!) because they did make me take a step back and think. I realise you were talking about people who are right at the beginning of the process, but I think it's really important for all of us to plan, research and do training so we avoid those nasty surprises you talked about!
Louise Harnby
27/8/2013 03:31:53 pm
I didn't think that at all, Laura! I was just relieved that you'd not thought I was addressing the likes of you! You're so right, too. The planning never stops, in a way, though it gets easier as time goes on. And I do still think that some people, with the appropriate personalities, can do it a different way. But a lot of us like to know, as far as we can, what's round the corner, and I'm guessing you and I are quite similar in that respect. And feel free to throw you own kitchen sink at me any time! There's plenty of room in mine for others' dishwater. (I think I've taken this metaphor far enough, don't you?!)
Deborah Blake
28/8/2013 04:33:26 am
I've read both of these blogs with interest. I've been proofreading/editing for a couple of years so still consider myself a complete newbie. When I first started, I had a plan of what training I wanted to do in the short and long term. I also had a fairly good idea of the areas I wanted to work in. Unfortunately, I'm not a 'marketing' type of person. None of this comes naturally to me.
Louise Harnby
28/8/2013 07:45:02 am
Wonderful, Deborah! That's exactly the spirit in which I hoped these articles would be taken -- take what you need; ignore what you don't.
28/8/2013 05:15:54 am
I'm exactly the same. In fact, I have to plan, list and spreadsheet my way through life! Works for me :)
Louise Harnby
28/8/2013 07:46:47 am
I love a list, too, Wendy! It doesn't matter what I'm doing -- shopping, working, or packing my luggage!
28/8/2013 10:31:05 am
I loved both of these posts, Louise. I didn't go into proofreading and editing the way you suggested. I went in blind. I was one of those who thought she/he could do it. After a lot of hard work and learning along the way, I have proven to myself that I can indeed do it.
Louise Harnby
28/8/2013 11:01:41 am
Good for you, Cassie. And thanks for showing us that there's another way. Whichever path any of us chooses, being part of a diverse editorial community provides us with a huge knowledge base -- one from which I'm continually learning, too!
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