Marketing Toolbox for EditorsHere's what you get:
Editor Website Essentials
This course teaches you how to craft a visible, loveable editorial website! The 10-step framework takes you through the essentials of SEO, navigation, structure, visitors, UX, branding, web page copy, home page design, content and analytics.
Blogging for Business GrowthThis blogging course teaches editors and proofreaders how to create a discoverable, captivating and memorable blog that drives website traffic, increases visibility in the search engines, and generates editing work.
Find your national editorial societyThere are national and regional editorial societies all over the globe! To find one that fits your journey, and discover what it has to offer in terms of resources, community and training, click on the button below.
Marketing Your Editing and Proofreading BusinessDiscover why marketing needn't be difficult, overwhelming or boring. Then learn the core principles of developing and implementing an effective marketing strategy that will get you noticed and generate business leads.
Visit the book's page to find about more and explore the contents list. |
How to Build an Editorial Blog
This business-skills guide shows editors and proofreaders, step by step, how to create a captivating blog-based content platform that drives traffic to your website, makes you visible in the search engines, and adds value for your clients-to-be.
How to Brand Your Editing Business
This business-skills guide shows editors and proofreaders how to build an emotion-based brand identity that’s rich in the flavour of you, and compelling to the people you'd love to work with. The framework is accessible for all editors, even those with no branding or marketing experience.
Visit the book's page to find out more. |
How to be Visible with Social Media
This business-skills guide shows editors and proofreaders how to use social media to increase online visibility, expand their audience, reinforce brand and generate leads ... without falling into a rabbit hole and without spending any money.
Visit the book's page to find out more. |
How to do Content Marketing
This business-skills guide shows editors and proofreaders how to create and deliver valuable, problem-solving content that enhances editorial business visibility, reinforces brand, and maximizes choice over whom we work for and what we earn – and all within a framework that embraces engagement with colleagues and clients.
Visit the book's page to find out more. |