Find your national editorial societyThere are national and regional editorial societies all over the globe! To find one that fits your journey, and discover what it has to offer in terms of resources, community and training, click on the button below.
How to Earn Passive IncomeThis business-skills guide shows editors and proofreaders how to develop additional and recurring income streams. Learn how to supplement your editing earnings by creating problem-solving products that customers will love to buy, and all using your existing knowledge base.
Visit the book's page to find out more. |
How to Develop a Pricing Strategy
This business-skills guide teaches editors and proofreaders how to create a pricing strategy. The foundation is a healthy money mindset that focuses on your business needs, and a strategic framework that gives you the power and confidence to choose and stand up for your pricing decisions.
Visit the book's page to find out more. |
Business Planning and Marketing Collection
This PDF collection includes all of the content from Business Planning for Editorial Freelancersand Marketing Your Editing & Proofreading Business, plus 42 chapters of additional material.
Visit the book's page to find about more and explore the contents list. |
Unboring Business PlanningLearn why business planning is worth investing time in, and needn't be boring when it's framed around 2 questions:
Marketing Toolbox for Editors
Here's what you get: