‘Told me masses of new stuff, and gave me a set of new tools to use immediately.’ – SoA @ Home Festival attendee
This webinar teaches professional fiction editors and commercial fiction authors how to recognize and control narrative (psychic) distance, and edit for a better reader experience. |
'The BEST event I have been to on how to edit a manuscript. I learned so much!' – SoA @ Home Festival attendee
This 30-minute webinar teaches commercial fiction authors 11 pithy line-editing tips that make a substantive difference to writing flow and reader experience. |
How to avoid repeating ‘I’ in
Making Sense of Point of View helps editors and authors understand the different narration styles in commercial fiction.
I teach you how to recognize viewpoint, and hold it, so that readers are immersed in your story and your characters' experiences of the world you've created. Throughout, examples of good and problematic practice are given to illustrate the learning. |
The Editorial Letter comes out once a month. Get my best advice on fiction editing and editorial business building.